How to turn a luna to a roulette

This festive dish is prepared by one who knows how to appreciate the tenderness and aroma of young lamb. And some are specifically looking for the meat of an adult ram – a specific smell and taste in this case will be expressed much stronger, but this has their own highlight. We offer to cook a lamb leg without bones, and for minced meat to choose buckwheat and fresh (or dry) white mushrooms.

You will need:

1 lamb leg without bones weighing 2.5 kg

10 small garlic cloves

3-4 tbsp. l. Olive oil salt, black pepper

For filling:

300 g of fresh white mushrooms (or 50-100 g of dry)

1 cup buckwheat

1 Average onion

1 small carrots

2 tbsp. l. butter salt, black pepper, parsley to taste

Cooking a baked lamb no bone: 1. Fresh mushrooms wash and boil in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. If the mushrooms are dry, pour them with hot water and let me stand for half an hour. Mushroom decoction or infusion of retain. Prepared mushrooms cut into thin slices.

2. Finely chop peeled onions and carrots, frying them in a pan in butter. Add mushrooms and fry all together for 5-6 minutes. Salt and pepper.

3. . In washed boiling water, buckwheat mushroom infusion or decoction (2 cups of liquid per glass of cereals). Bring buckwheat to a boil and cooking over low heat for 15 minutes.

4. Mix the finished buckwheat with mushrooms and roots, add finely chopped parsley to the minced meat.

5. Washed lamb meat from the inside with salt, pepper and garlic. In a flat layer, put buckwheat with mushrooms, roots and herbs over meat.

6. Start rolling down the roll on the long side: rolled the meat tightly in the roll, firmly tied it with a twine so that the edges do not disperse. Cover the roll on top with olive oil, pepper and salt.

7. Heated oven up to 200 degrees. Bake meat 1.5 hours. After baking, keep the finished stuffed leg under a linen towel or foil for another 15 minutes.

Tasty advice: giving the table, remove the twine and skewers fastening the roll. Cut the meat with pieces of 1.5-2 cm wide and immediately lay down on plates, tasting a marvelous aroma. If the weight of the lamb leg is greater, increase the time of its baking. Bon appetit!