Fashionable swimwear 2014

A fashionable attractive swimsuit for the upcoming summer, rest on the seashore must be prepared in advance. A correctly selected product will not only emphasize the beauty of the silhouette, but also correctly adjust it, make the image attractive. The collections of such models by this year, designers of all famous fashion houses have already presented. And, therefore, we can only find our own option.

At the peak of fashion in the upcoming season there will be swimwear-tankini. These are sets consisting of T -shirts and lower part: shorts, panties or thongs. Such models are a worthy alternative to continuous swimsuits. The advantage of Tankini is that they look great on any figure. Building models with a shortened top emphasize the harmony of the silhouette, and elongated T -shirts will hide the shortcomings. The upper part of the swimsuit can be used for everyday wearing with shorts, mini-skirts.

Another trends of this year are swimwear in which the top and bottom are made of materials of different colors, have various ornaments. But, these items should be harmonious, successfully complement each other.

Owners of an impeccable silhouette can safely acquire for themselves swimsuits-bikini, in which the cups of the bra have the shape of a triangle. These models are popular among youth for more than a dozen years, this year they will not lose their relevance.

If you want to get a shaggy swimsuit, you should pay attention to models that have the most open back, thin straps and V-shaped deep neckline.

The color scheme of fashionable swimwear is wide. But, dark blue, black, dark gray colors this year are not popular. Designers gave preferences to bright shades of warm gamut: orange, coral, yellow, etc. Printing materials in fashion and products. At the peak of popularity this year, marine themes, animalist, floral prints that adorn the swimwear of Victoria Sikret.