Spinach jackets (Strangolapreti)

Spinach jackets (Strangolapreti)


* 250 g. Stone white bread

* 150 ml. milk

* 100 g. fresh spinach

* 2 eggs

* 4-5 tbsp. flour spoons

* salt and pepper

* ground nut

* 50 g. butter

* several sage leaves

* 50 g. Fresh Parmesan

Cut bread in small pieces. Pour milk on it, mix well. Cover and leave a minimum for at least 2 hours.

Rinse spinach, remove hard stems with ingot. Blanch the leaves for 2 minutes in a large amount of salted water. Pour cold water, dry well and let cool. Then chop it as smaller and crush. Knead chopped spinach along with soaked bread, eggs and flour. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg. Pour 2 liters of water into a large pan, sunken and bring to a boil. From two tablespoons of dough, make the first tick, lower it into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Depending on the consistency, add flour or milk to the remaining dough. Blind more rivets, lower them in boiling water and cook until cooked.

Pull the strokes with a slotted spoon, let it drain and leave in the warmth. Melt the butter, add sage sheets there. Put the ticks in the pan, mix well with oil. Sprinkle with grated cheese and serve the dish hot.

Kletski in Trentino and Alto-Adidge love for a long time: on the frescoes in the chapel of the Hohappan Castle created about 1200 g., A woman in a green dress, sitting below the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus, eats round dumplings from the pan the size of a fist