Italian cheeses

Thanks to the Arab merchant, cheese appeared, and the merchant lived about ten millennia ago. When he went on the next distant path, he took the milk on the road, which was poured into the dried stomach of the calf. In distant old times, such animal stomachs were good containers to transport and save products. When he untied the bag later, he saw that milk became dense lumps. The result was cottage cheese, from which in the future humanity began to make cheese. This is told by the legend, as well as historians, based on ancient drawings in the desert. According to history, the cheese was born in the Arab East, but the Mediterranean countries took it into their own culture, and today they are leading cheese producers. This is Italy, where cheese began to be produced before the appearance of the Roman Empire. Also, the process of making cheese does not change in Italy for thousands of years. Ripening of cheeses occurs in wooden or stone huts, rocky caves. In addition, sheep and calf stomachs are used during the production of cheese, as they participate in the detachment of serum from cottage cheese.

Today in Italy more than 400 types of cheeses are produced, which are unique. They have a special structure and taste, a recipe for production. A fairly important point is the raw materials that are used by animals that give milk to make cheeses. This is Venice, Lombardy, Piedmont, where there is an ideal landscape where cows graze.

The taste of cheeses depend on milk, time of year, place of production. For example, in summer cheese, the aroma is more pronounced than in the winter. When the cheese matures for a long time, it becomes salty and sharp. The place of cheese is fundamental. This is the oil of the milk where milk is processed. The taste of milk depends on the grass and hay that feeds on the cow. As a result, the cheese has a unique characteristic. This also applies to winemaking: it all depends on where the grapes are grown and what variety it is. Depending on the amount of water, the structure of the cheese is obtained: liquid, dry, crumbly.

It is better to eat cheese in natural form, but can also be used in cooking.

Italians use cheese in every meal. It is served in the form of a dessert, it can be an integral part of the dishes. Cheeses are considered to be popular – Parmesan, Mozarella, Talego.

Italian cheeses