Salad recipe with crab sticks piquant slightly contrasting taste


It turns out that the kitchen is a place of culinary creativity. So interesting and amazing when, having discarded or replacing at least one recipe ingredient, you get a dish with a new and unusual taste. Today I will share this result. I will not remember the initial version, but I will describe the initial recipe for salad with crab sticks.

We will need the following products:

Long-grain rice-100-120 g;

Sunflower oil – ½ st. tablespoons;

Water-200-240 ml;

Salt – to taste;

Crab sticks – pack 240 g;

Boiled eggs – 5 pieces;

Canned sugar – 1 jar;

Apples – 2 large or 3 medium;

White grapes without bones-15-20 berries (can be without grapes);

Mayonnaise – to taste.

We proceed to the preparation of our piquant salad.

First of all, boil rice. We measure the amount of grains we need and rinse with boiling water twice. This procedure should be performed quickly, without being distracted at the moment when the rice is in the water. Salad recipe with crab sticks: Cut the eggs. Cook rice better in cast -iron dishes. Before adding water, pour sunflower oil and mix slightly to envelop each grain. Then pour 200-240 ml of boiling water (2: 1) and mix once again for uniform distribution of rice grains by dishes. Salt to taste. Cover the dishes with a lid and cook on low heat until cooked. Let the rice cool, opening the lid so that the remains of steam are gone.

Cook 5 eggs and set to cool in cold water. Then we cut them with cubes. Salad recipe with crab sticks: rice and crab sticks.

Only the cooled rice is slightly mixed, as if, prying with a fork, so that the grains are separated from each other.

Cut the crab sticks with cubes. We place it in a fairly large dish, in which it will be convenient to mix all the ingredients included in the recipe for a salad with crab sticks.

Clean apples and cut into cubes, removing the core.

I think everyone is familiar with the property of this fruit to get dark.

Salad recipe with crab sticks: cut apples.

I will say to those who do not yet know that this is a very useful property. The iron darkens, which gives apples value.

If the purified apple does not darken, except for fiber in it, one might say, there is nothing useful. In the salad, after adding mayonnaise, this darkening will become inconspicuous and will not spoil the commodity of the dish.

Salad recipe with crab sticks: corn jar.

Open a jar of corn and throw it to a colander.

Thus, we, firstly, get rid of the liquid. And, secondly, we will be able to remove one or a couple of unattractive grains if such are found.

Everyone has their own preferences, but I like the good Kuhar corn, which is sold exclusively in the ATB network,.

For those who do not know yet, I will say that corn is the only product that contains gold. Thus, the value of corn is simply huge.

Salad recipe with crab sticks: mixed ingredients

Salad recipe with crab sticks: corn

Salad recipe with crab sticks: cut grapes.

Salad can be prepared without grapes. But the taste will be more commonplace, not so piquant and sophisticated as with grapes.

We take grapes without bones. Choose large berries and cut into 8 parts: twice along and across.

Can be cut into 4 parts: along and down.

You can make a salad without grapes. But the dish obtained according to the recipe for salad with crab sticks and grapes is distinguished by a particularly refined taste.

Salad recipe with crab sticks: refill with mayonnaise.

Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise to your liking. On the festive table, the salad can be decorated, for example, by halves of grapes. If the salad is prepared for its family and will not be spent at a time, then it is better to leave it in a dry form and season it with mayonnaise the required amount before serving on the table.

Here is our salad is ready! Without grapes or with grapes – decide for yourself!

Try it and so.

Enjoy to everyone appetite!

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