
A curious dish for survivors, which came from the Indians. In fact, this is a food concentrate, of course this dish is not for gourmets, but it is gorgeous from a nutrient point of view, which means it is perfect for the diet or just on long trips. In fact, it can be made by the basis of the diet in difficult situations. And they call him a Pemmikan from the Indian Pimi-Okan (one of the births of fat) is also simply very convenient, because it occupies not a lot of weight and place, and its nutritional value is very great. It is enjoyed using hunters, fishermen, tourists on the same time with dried and dried meat.

The Indians made it from crushed bison meat and fat, with the addition of berries or their juice. Due to which it turned out to be a nutritious dish, which is easy to carry, which attracted the attention of European travelers. By the beginning of the twentieth century, he became the main product of polar travelers.

In the version of the Siberian hunters, he was made a little differently. Crushed crackers were added to a mixture of lard and salt, the mass slid into a dense ball and dried. They say it was stored for years and even if the fat was run down, then it could be used.

The European version consisted of sixty percent of fat and forty percent of meat. More often beef, less often pork or other types of meat are taken for its preparation. For dogs he was also done, but with a cheaper type of meat. They closed it either in jars or packaged in paper or fabric. Over time, the supply of polar expeditions has become easier and the pummikan stops using. It is not advisable to use it for a long time, it does not particularly affect health, but on a small period of time it is a good way to get a long distance observing the calorie content.

I will write a couple of ways to prepare this dish now.

1) take lard and meat, raw, in a ratio of 1 to 2. Cut the lard and put in a pan. Add finely chopped meat (with a nail size, but no more) to the extracted slopes with fat) and the meat is dumped like this for six hours over low heat. In this case, the water is evaporated and replaced with fat. Salt and add a little pepper at the end.

2) fresh meat without films and veins, twisted through a meat grinder, is placed on a baking sheet and dried, until completely dry, then grinds into powder (a coffee grinder is quite suitable)

We take dried fruits and rub into a homogeneous mass. (any that you like)

We also take the lard, not chilon fat, but subcutaneous lard. Mixed in the proportion of 4-2-1. Salt and spices are added to taste, but the mass should be spicy and salty. All this is laid out into the container and pressed by the press (not a very thick layer, one and a half, two centimeters) after a few days we remove the lid, the mass becomes quite hard. Cut into cubes and wrap in foil. It is a snack on the go or a good base for soup.

In general, the very meaning is clear, there may be a mass of options, you can also pack in various ways.

It is also perfectly suitable for the preparation of cereals, pasta, soups in nature.