People are in a constant communicative process. The exchange of information is carried out differently depending on the format of relations, motivation and many other factors. Formal interaction is less often accompanied by incorrect issues. Informal communication is also protected from them by the rules of etiquette and an internal sense of tact. But not everyone is familiar with the first, and the second is not everyone has. In this regard, there are constantly those who want to ask:

– a time of acquisition by you of a socially understandable family status;

– religious views;

– material situation as a whole, and the cost of individual acquisitions;

– reasons for the lack of professional promotion.

The list can be significantly expanded. One of the most painful, and even impedes successful treatment, issues, according to experts of the Kyiv Institute of Reproductive Medicine (IRM), is the question: “Why do you have no children yet?”.

Couples, in principle, wishing a child and having all the opportunity to conceive him, since health allows, they also often experience negative emotions from such curiosity. Such leisure interest is perceived as a violation of personal space, the invasion of an intimate sphere, especially in people of an introverted type. And respond to him in different ways, but most often in a humorous tone.

Polls show that the most common, and therefore banal and not carrying any information is the answer: “We are working on this”. This is pronounced meaningfully than, as a rule, attempts to further specify are suppressed.

The same answer is often chosen by couples that are engaged in solving the problem associated with the inability to easily and naturally conceive the baby. In this case, the truthful answer is deprived of multi -range sounds tense. Personal perception makes this question much more painful than it is actually. Each time, having heard it, having problems in this area, people experience a sufficiently strong stress that negatively affects the psychological mood and, accordingly, on the effectiveness of treatment.

To reduce the stress effect “play” this situation internally as often as possible, not forgetting to remind yourself that your problem is resolved. Methods proposed by IRM-IVF provide high efficiency and innovative approach in solving the most difficult cases.

Calm perception will allow you to choose an acceptable answer and tone that will be uttered for a specific situation. Close to people with whom you often encounter, for example, to relatives, friends and friends, it is still better to indicate the presence of some problem in order not to answer this question many times. If you do not want to share details and cause sympathy unnecessary to you and, moreover, pity is enough to say in a calm and confident tone that there are some obstacles, but you are actively engaged in their elimination.

The answer to a half -heard question is from people with whom you are not in contact so often will be easy and in the same tone: “at one time”, “as soon as, we will immediately inform” and so on. Trite, but this is not the point. The bottom line is to calmly respond and firmly believe that you will certainly become parents.

Faith in success is no less necessary than treatment.