Potatoes under a fur coat

If you want to decorate your festive table not only tasty, but also unusual dishes, then we offer you an original recipe for cooking potatoes. Surely, you didn’t even think that you can prepare something unusual from potatoes. But it turns out that everything is possible. So, we will cook potatoes under a fur coat.

Ingredients for potatoes under a fur coat:





Sour cream


Ground nutty nut

Vegetable oil

Pepper, salt

Peel the potatoes, mine, dry and cut into small circles. We put all the chopped potatoes into the package, pour oil there, fall asleep and seasonings, put the chopped garlic and shake well so that all the ingredients are mixed up.

We lay out the resulting potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in an oven for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

While the potatoes are baked, peel and chop finely onion, rub the cheese, cut the ham. All these ingredients are mixed with sour cream. It turns out a kind of sauce.

We pull out the baked potatoes, water it with the sauce and remove it in the oven for another 20 minutes.