Chemical curl How to protect your hair tips

A woman, at whatever she is age, should always look attractive and sexy. Changed in appearance are simply necessary and they should only be for the better. Those distant times have passed, during which it was very fashionable to wear bulky hairstyles. These were false hair, various high hairstyles in the form of snails, etc.D. Every year, the fashion for hairstyles changes, several years ago, it was very fashionable to wear chemistry. After, hair highlighting came into fashion, and almost every woman really wanted to do highlight on her hair. But healthy, long and of course beautiful hair will always remain in fashion. If your hair is healthy, then even with a short haircut, you will look quite spectacular and fresh. Chemical curl to this day, also remains in fashion. If you naturally have curly hair, then, of course, you like straight hair. Unfortunately, the owners of curly hair, for what incomprehensible reasons, dream of having straight and smooth hair. If your hair, on the contrary, is straight and smooth as silk, then you would most likely really like to make them curly and wavy. This desire arises in many. Currently, you can easily straighten curly hair and is also easy to make hair curly. Chemical curl is all exactly that ceramic braces, it can be done once and for a long time!

Chemical curl has its pros and of course the disadvantages, a little about it. What good we get from a chemical curl? Firstly, the hair becomes curly. If you have enough oily hair, then a chemical curl can slightly dry the scalp and hair. After a chemical curling, the hair will not be so fatty. For those who have not obedient hair, we recommend making a chemical curling, after which they will become obedient. For thin hair, a chemical curl is also perfect, with which the hair will become voluminous and can even be said thick. Daily styling, of course, is bored, for those who are so too lazy to do laying every morning, we recommend a chemical curl. The hairstyle will stay on the hair for much longer, after a chemical curl. As you know, a chemical curl in a state will last a long time on the hair. It can be three months or even six months.

The composition of the chemical curling, of course, you need to choose a more gentle one if you do not want to damage your hair. Previously, the composition of the chemical curling was “murderous”, that is, until you completely cut your hair, a chemical curl will not leave your hair.

There are also certain points during which it is not recommended to make a chemical curl, or it is worth it to wait for a chemical curling. A little about this:

– With a weakened body, or after prolonged treatment, you can not make a chemical curl.

– Chemical curls can only be done if your hair is in a healthy state. When conducting a chemical curling on damaged hair, you can much worsen the condition of the hair, this can even become the main reason for hair loss.

– During breastfeeding, during pregnancy, as well as during the menstrual cycle, it is not recommended to make a chemical curl.

For those who are not so tolerant of making a chemical curl, we recommend that we consult with our master. After a chemical curl, hair will need additional care. Use only quality your hair care products. Whatever chemical curls, even if it is called “light”, the hair will become much weaker. Additional moisturizing and nutrition is simply necessary, for hair after a chemical curling.

Several useful tips that will help your hair after a chemical curling.

After a chemical curl, it is recommended to immediately rinse the hair with acidified water. To do this, add ordinary vinegar to the water, with the calculation: – one tablespoon per liter of water. Hair after a chemical curling will be weakened, as it has undergone chemical treatment. It is not recommended for one week, dry your hair with a hairdryer, use thermal shutters, as well as use electrical panels, let your hair relax a little. Washing your hair is also best after three to four days. As soon as a chemical curl is made, it is not recommended to comb the hair. If you are so unable to comb them, then it is best to do it with a wooden comb with large teeth, in order not to damage the curl.