Puree pumpkin

In this record you will learn a very interesting recipe for pumpkin soup puree. In order to prepare pumpkin soup of mashed potatoes, we will need the following ingredients:

800 g of pumpkin

300 g of carrots

3 garlic cloves

2 head onions of medium -sized

30 ml. vegetable oil

100 ml of cream (20-22%)

100 g of sour cream

1 h. l. salt

1 cm of fresh ginger

Puree puree

I wash it well, clean and cut the vegetables. You can not even use carrots, but replace it with the same number of pumpkin.

Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil for 5 minutes, periodically stirring.

Add hot water, about 1 liter. We also add pre -grated ginger, salt to taste and cook until the vegetables become soft, it will take about 15 minutes.

We put cooked vegetables in a blender and chop it to a homogeneous porridge, then pour the cream.

Here is such a non -complicated recipe for pumpkin puree soup. When you serve to the table, decorate the soup with greens and serve sour cream. You can also put croutons and cheese with mold.

Bon appetit!