The most terrible rat get fat from cheese

New York streets in winter were hung with advertising shields with a photo of terrible fat people, as well as with the words – from cheese get fat! The installation of shocking posters was paid by the Washington non -profit committee of responsible medicine. Its head Neil Bernard sent an open letter to the state administration, in which he appealed to reduce consumption in dairy schools. He believes that this will reduce the risk of obesity in children. After all, cheese contains up to 70 percent of saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, causing diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. At the moment, Americans consume 15 kg of cheese per capita annually, this is three times more than 40 years ago. The nation is so getting so rapidly. Excess weight in 59% of New Yorkers. In the staff where the Toyota Corolla car is very popular even among children, with child obesity, things are bad at all-overweight in 25 % of adolescents, 4 times more than indicators of 30 years ago.

Another experiment was conducted in New York. The photo contest among passengers of the New York subway was held by the American Trade Union of Transport Workers. Chosen the most terrible rat of the city metro. February 9 was summed up. It turns out that passengers of the New York subway took pictures as part of the rodent contest in the subway and posted a photo on a special site. Michael Spivak, according to users, and took off that very unsympathetic rat.