
Translated from the Italian “ribollite” means re -“boiled” or “digested”. This soup comes from Tuscany, it was invented by resourceful peasants who appreciated every piece of food. In the Middle Ages, the rich in Italy used bread as plates and ate everything except it. Bread dishes again went to the kitchen and poor, adding boiled vegetables, eaten it.

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Ribollite does not have any strict recipe. Beans, cabbage, bread and olive oil – the basis that must be in a stew, and the rest is at the discretion of the cook.


* chicken broth (you can use just water) – 0.7 liters.

* Stone bread – 4 slices

* white beans – 250 g.

* onions – 1 head

* zucchini (medium -sized) – 1 pc.

* onions-1 pc.

* carrots – 3 pcs.

* Potatoes – 3 medium tubers

* Celery stalk – 1 pc.

* spinach – 2 bundles

* cabbage – 1 pc.

* tomato puree – 300 g.

* olive oil – 3 st. l.

* basil – 3 twigs

* salt pepper

Rinse the beans and soak for several hours, then boil until cooked. Wash the vegetables, clean. Onions, zucchini, onions, carrots, potatoes, celery cut into medium-sized cubes. Cut in cabbage leaves the veins from the middle, cut the rest of the sheet. Spinach torn with your hands. Break bread on small pieces.

Heat in a saucepan with a thick bottom olive oil. Fry the onion until golden, add carrots, onions, celery and simmer vegetables for 5 minutes. Reduce fire, add cabbage, potatoes, zucchini to the saucepan. Stew for another 7 minutes. Pour the broth (it should slightly cover vegetables) and cook an hour and a half over medium heat.

Generate half the bean with a fork to a puree state and put together with the whole in a saucepan. Salt, pepper and smile for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly. Add tomato paste, bread, bring to a boil and remove from the stove.

You can serve by decorating the basilica twigs, with fried toasts, grated patamerzan or pesto sauce. The most tasty is this stew on the second day after warming up, which justifies its name.
