They suffered a stroke? Drink coffee with alcohol!

After serious diseases, doctors, as a rule, advise to abandon smoking, alcoholic beverages and coffee. However, not all scientists advise to undergo rehabilitation according to this plan. American scientists who conducted experiments with strong drinks came to the conclusion that coffee with alcohol will help a person recover faster after a stroke.

According to scientists, the combination of caffeine and ethanol most positively affects the body of the person that has suffered such a serious illness.

The experimenters report in their report that 80% of patients who took a cocktail of coffee and alcohol immediately began to feel much better. The equipment also showed that the damaged human brain began to be better supplied with blood.

Similar experiments were also conducted on animals. The results were also positively impressive. Now scientists intend to determine in which dosage a person needs to introduce a cocktail of coffee and alcohol.

The main advantage of the opening is that it is available to everyone. We only note that the cocktail itself is administered intravenously.