Henna for hair

Henna for hair

With all the variety of choice of caring for hair products, do not forget about such an affordable and completely natural remedy as henna for hair. The beauties of the East traditionally use henna not only to give the hair a luxurious shine and color, but also for the treatment and restoration of hair.

Useful henna for hair:

With the help of henna for hair, you can strengthen your hair and cope with dandruff, make your hair more elastic and thick. In addition, henna is an ideal remedy for allergies – it does not cause allergic reactions and is completely harmless. Honic hair coloring and treatment – a method used for many centuries.

To restore the damaged structure and hair nutrition, prepare a mask of henna for hair and eggs. To prepare the mask, pour the henna bag with hot water and leave it until cool, then add a beaten egg and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Apply the resulting mixture for the entire length of the hair for 40-50 minutes. After time, thoroughly rinse your hair and last rinse, make water acidified with lemon juice.

To prevent hair loss, prepare a mask of henna for hair and burdock oil. To prepare a mask, pour a henna bag of 100 ml of hot water, add a tablespoon of burdock oil to the henna, as well as a little oil vitamins A and E. Stir the mixture and apply to the hair before washing for half an hour.


Also, in order to stop hair loss, a tablespoon of onion juice, whipped yolk and linseed oil or jojoba are added to the hair diluted with hot water. This mask is applied to the hair for one and a half to two hours, wrapping his head with a towel. Then the mask is washed off with warm water and left the hair to dry in a natural way.

To give the hair shining and to strengthen hair, a mask of henna for hair and cognac is prepared. It is necessary to dilute the henna bag of 100 ml of hot water, leave to cool, add a beaten yolk and 50 ml of cognac to henna, stir. This mask is applied half an hour before washing, carefully wrapped their heads with a towel.

An excellent restorative effect is possessed by a mask of henna for hair with the addition of kefir. Add a heated kefir in hot water diluted with hot water and lubricate the hair abundantly with a mixture, thoroughly rubbing the hair into the roots. The head is covered with a film and wrapped with a towel, the mask is left for 30-40 minutes and the hair is washed with shampoo.

Hair henna masks are applied to the hair once a week, but if you want to achieve a greater effect from treatment, apply masks to the hair a couple of times a week for a month.