At an early age, creative development is necessary for every child. But, not all parents have enough time, skills to regularly conduct such classes. In this case, children’s development centers, which are now in many cities, will provide decent help.
Visiting such institutions before the baby’s entering kindergarten allows you to prepare a child for this difficult change. In the children’s development center, the baby will learn to communicate with other children, which will help to adapt more easily in the kindergarten group. It is important to choose such an institution for a child who does not visit the kindergarten. Here he will learn the rules of communication, develop creative abilities, prepare for school.
Many of us experience a lack of time. Therefore, the search for the children’s development center should start from those that are located near the house. After you have chosen several options, the centers need to be visited on your own. Most of them are allowed to attend classes than to use. This will help you evaluate the style of the teacher’s work, his ability to captivate children. You need to first find out the established rules of the children’s club in Moscow to determine how they meet your requirements.
Be sure to ask the education and experience of teachers, the programs that are used in the center. The most popular now is Montessori Methodology. In it, the teacher does not impose a program for children, but only provides the child with conditions for a certain type of creativity, coordinates his actions.
In children’s development centers can be choreographic studios, linguistic clubs, stage of stage skills, art studios, etc.D. It is desirable that the institution has a large selection of creative directions. This will help to develop your child’s talents.
It is important that there are such specialists as a psychologist and speech therapist in the children’s center. They will be able to correct speech disorders, if any, will help to adjust the behavior of the child. In addition, it is the psychologist who can determine the priorities in the abilities of your baby, recommend what talents should be developed.