How to choose a mural in the kitchen?

The kitchen is a place where the whole family often gathers. And good housewives spend a lot of time near the stove, preparing delicious dishes. To make it pleasant in the kitchen, you can make its interior original and attractive. Wall murals will help us with this.

Choose murals for the kitchen according to the following parameters:






Each housewife can choose a pattern and color to her taste. Often this is a beautiful exotic nature or some fruits of saturated colors. The main thing is that the wall fits into the overall interior of the kitchen. So the color of the wallpaper should be in harmony with the color of the kitchen furniture.

As you know, the color of the walls also affects human appetite. Therefore, you do not need to buy too bright irritable tones. If you want to get rid of excess weight, choose a drawing in cold colors. They contribute to the deterioration of appetite.

When buying photo wallpaper, special attention should be paid to their quality. Do not trust the chatty seller who assures you with the strength and durability of the wallpaper. It is better to read the instructions attached to them, where manufacturing materials are indicated. Remember that for kitchen walls, washing wallpaper on a vinyl base is best suited. So that the drawing is not spread after several wipes, when making wallpaper, only high -quality waterproof dyes should be used. All this is described in detail on the package.

It is very important that the wallpaper is safe for health. There are fakes that, with certain humidity, secrete harmful chemicals into the air. In the manufacture of safe wallpapers, special ink with UV infection should be used. They are safe for people and animals.

Take the purchase of photo wallpaper seriously, because not only the originality of the interior of the most visited room in the house depends on this, but also the state of your health.