Is there a friendship between women?


Legends are composed of male friendship, about female – jokes. Why is such an overwhelming number of people of both sexes sure that there is no female friendship and cannot be?

Men are maliciously joke over her, and some women are completely told by the words of the heroine of the famous film: “I have no friends, I eliminated them”. Many believe that female friendship ends when a man appears, success, happiness. In fact, many can support in difficult times, but few can sincerely enjoy success. But, it is worth noting that this applies not only to women.

Men also often complain to their loved ones at friends: “And for which he was so raised in position? He is stupid and lazy!»Of course, you can meet this infrequently, but only because men wear a lot in themselves.

Friendship between women:

Women, on the contrary, are open to the world, are ready to share their fears, experiences, they are not afraid to seem weak. This is where the secret of the fragility of friendship lies. Women love to gossip with others about their friends? Perhaps in this way they try to achieve someone’s location: “You see, I’m so frank with you because I trust”. Men – no less gossip. Simply, you see, it’s hard to gossip about who you know quite a bit about. Men, by and large, do not frank even with close friends. Women are able to pour out the soul of a neighbor on a compartment, a mommy on a playground, a girl in line to a doctor.

Friendship between women

Men often evaluate friendship by the criterion whether a friend is able to help real acts. A friend has problems – a man does not waste empty words, tries to help with action. Women often need help itself, but the opportunity to cry for a girlfriend. And such psychotherapy is sometimes more important than any help. Therefore, men do not take female friendship seriously: “You, women, can only bother”.

Men in the vast majority of polygamous, they are much easier to switch to other women. Therefore, they believe that friends should not swear because of women. The motto of men – women leave and come, and a friend remains forever. “Do you like her? Ok, I will pump up to her friend!”For a woman who sees a potential life partner in everyone, it is not so easy to abandon the subject of sighing for a friend.

It’s no secret that the strongest friendship from childhood. Friends dig in the sandbox, then sit at the same desk. Peak Friendship reaches in transition, because it is then that a person needs support most of all. Teenagers are maximalists. Friend means friend, enemy means deadly. Male friendship that has undergone an audit of this age, usually lasts many years. It’s easier for men to build relationships, because, even becoming married family workers, they rarely change life. Be that as it may, they will always find the opportunity to go to a bathhouse or football with idle friends, drink a beer after working with the same married. Therefore, male friendship seems indestructible – the connection is constantly supported, the common interests do not go anywhere.

Female friendship

Women, getting married, getting acquainted with children, become very attached to the house. They no longer have the opportunity to walk with friends, arrange gatherings until late at night. Personal contacts are inexorably reduced, and do not understand the childless girlfriend of the worries of a young mother. Few are capable of maintaining strong friendship in such a situation.

And yet there is female friendship! The main thing is that it is difficult to preserve. A friend betrayed? So it was not friendship, but only friendship. Friendship is the same work of the soul as love. Anyone who was able to do this work will be rewarded with sincere relations. And it doesn’t matter at all – a man or a woman.