Stylish jewelry 2017

Every woman should own mandatory skill – to look beautiful in any situation. The art of choosing jewelry and creating with the help of it a unique image is a complex science, where the main thing is not the flight of fashion, but the presence of a natural taste.

2017 jewelry trends:

• This year, women are given a great opportunity to create a unique style using almost any jewelry. But do not forget that they must be combined with the chosen outfit.

• Girls can purchase jewelry of almost any material. Jewelry is relevant not only of stones and metal, but also products made of plastic, skin.

• Designers advise buying jewelry with sets so that it is easier for women to choose jewelry for their image. It is recommended to choose jewelry that will be in harmony with the color scheme of a female wardrobe.

The actual flowers of jewelry in 2017 are orange, red, coral, light blue, gentle- green, combinations of black and white.

Products that gain great popularity this year:

• metal jewelry, especially with precious stones of geometric shapes;

• Pearls will be a real hit: it can be necklaces and bracelets, both from natural and artificial material;

• large stones of bright colors are also gaining relevance;

• chockers, or collars that are made from various materials: skin, lace, beads or beads;

• Bead collars, or collars with beads sewn on them.

During the spring – summer of 2017, massive plastic beads, voluminous clips, light foot chains will become fashionable again. With a great desire, you can combine jewelry with jewelry, but it should be remembered that they should be combined by color scheme with selected clothing.

During the autumn – winter 2017, designers will focus on massive jewelry. The basis will be brooches of various sizes and design, which can decorate any clothes, even caps and scarves. Long earrings that have an angular geometric shape will also come into fashion.

The right choice of stylish jewelry will help every representative of the fair sex emphasize their originality and unique image!