Celery pancakes with horseradish and apples sauce

Celery pancakes are very tasty and healthy. These pancakes can be diversified to infinity, which is enough for your imagination.

Ingredients for the preparation of pancakes:

Celery root – 500 g.

Walnut oil for frying-3-4 st. l.

Potato starch – 50 g.

Black ground pepper and salt to taste

Ingredients for sauce:

1 average apple

Horseradish – 30 g.


Celery pancakes recipe

Clean and pass through the grater of celery root. Add pepper, salt and potato starch to taste.

Warm up the pan, add walnut oil and fry not for us pancakes from celery.

Now we will make a sauce. To do this, clean the apple from the peel and boil it in water with the addition of salt, and then beat in a blender.

We are waiting for a little time while apple puree cools down and add horseradish.

We spread pancakes from celery on a suitable dish and serve to the table with the sauce.

Here is such a simple and original appetizer to your table. By the way, you will find more different snacks on . Also on the site, in addition to snacks, there are many other different recipes.

Enjoy your meal!