Kitchen backsplash tiles: requirements and choice

Most often, tiles are used to decorate the kitchen. This is especially true for the so-called “apron” – a section of the wall that suffers more than others from splashes of water and grease.

The popularity of the material is explained by the fact that it has an aesthetic appearance, an affordable price and is easy to install. Plus, it’s easy to keep clean.

For many, an important advantage is that an apron made of this material can be changed without completely renovating the room. Nowadays, types of tiles have different characteristics and designs. But ceramics still remain in demand. It is available in a huge range of sizes and textures and is hygienic.

The work area is the central detail of the room, and if you choose the right material, you can create an interesting and stylish design. Ceramics must be of decent quality so that the apron, exposed to steam, splashes of grease and water, can be easily washed off from dirt and retains its original appearance for a long time.

It is advisable to prefer glazed tiles, since porous or embossed ones will create difficulties with cleaning the room.

Discreet and neat light ceramics will be one of the best options. An apron made of “boar” tiles in white will fit perfectly into the interior of both large and miniature kitchens.