Love stories

Love stories are all so different and in their own way very interesting and beautiful. Each love story is good in its own way, it can be easily compared with a real fairy tale, since love is a fairy tale that is present in our life. Each of us has stories about love, here is one of these love stories in the life of two best friends. They were familiar almost from the school bench. Were friends and tried to always be together. But friendship between them never crossed its framework. That is, there was nothing between them besides friendly relations. The story of love is very interesting, it tells that sincere feelings at one point can change the life and relations of the two closest friends. She saw in him a man who could always help her in difficult times. They understood each other at a glance, that is, it was possible by the look to guess that he or she would say now. Relations continued for many years. But for all this time, in friendly terms, they had nothing superfluous. Different women were constantly present in his life, one might even say that if one left, then a new. Relations could be of a different nature, they could last within one evening or for several months. But, even knowing about his women, she continued to be friends with him. She never showed jealousy and did not try to interfere in his personal life. I just was friends and waited that at one point I could change everything. Her feelings for him were completely clean and bright. He also belonged to her. But for what, not clear reasons, they were afraid to admit that they simply could not without each other. His last novel did not bring any joy, that is, he also broke up with another woman. In this state, he could not be in any way and therefore decided to meet her. Having said that there was no in his life, everything was never more than a person except her, and it should have been so. She also admitted to him that all these years she only lived only thoughts. And now the best friends have created a friendly family.