Models of the 60s

If anyone remembers the fashion of the 60s, then the first cases we remember long eyelashes. It was such puppet eyelashes that were unusual popular in the distant 60s. Currently, the fashion is trying to repeat it, but already slightly in an altered form. Long eyelashes to this day remain in fashion. If you do not believe, look at fashion magazines and then be able to make sure. The style of the 60s is so interesting. That sometimes today many modern designers are trying to return to old things a completely new life. Models of the 60s, wore thick and straight bangs in combination with a scythe. At that time, the Hippie style and bohemian chic was very popular. The makeup of the 60s was simply not reflected, it was necessary to use not only mascara for execution, there were also shadows. The eyelashes were painted both the upper and the lower, and the thicker the eyelashes looked, the more mackening was richer. The models of the 60s also used bright blush, without them, makeup was considered not finished. Blue was superimposed so that a slight angular face appeared, as it was popular with Western stars. Today, modern designers of the world provide all those things that were unusually popular in the distant 60s on world catwalks. Makeup is performed in the same style that was popular in those distant years. In order to make makeup yourself the 60s. You will need to use mascara, pencil, lip gloss and shadows. The main emphasis should be made on the gaze, before the eyes should be very expressive. It is why you need to carefully paint each cilia. You can draw a small circuit around the eye line, then gently apply the shadow. The lower part of the eye should also be painted, this will help create an unusually beautiful look. The color of the powder is better to choose by complexion, but you can also use a slightly whitish shade of powder. After gently apply blush, but it is not recommended to overdo it. The execution of makeup in this process ends. It will be necessary to apply a transparent shine on the lips, or not a bright lipstick.