Omlet “For beloved children”

I have twins – son Ilya and daughter Katyushka. And although they were born on the same day, by nature and even taste addictions, my children are completely different. For example, Ilyushka loves a traditional magnificent omelet, and Katya prefers an omelet with filling (as in the photo).

Omlet for a daughter

5 eggs, 2-3 t. l. milk, 1/2 t. l. flour, a pinch of salt, olive oil.

For filling: Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, dill, olive oil.


Beat eggs, add salt, stain flour, pour milk. Mix well, pour it into a wide pan with a thick bottom greased with oil. Cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes (the omelet will rise first, but after turning off the fire will fall). Cut vegetables and greens, season with olive oil. Put on half an omelet, cover the second half.

Omlet for the son

5 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 0.5 hours. l. salt, 1 t. l. butter.

Cooking method

Eggs (you need to take selected, large) slightly beat with salt, pour milk, beat with a whisk. Lubricate the shape with butter, pour the mixture and put in the oven, heated to 180-200 °. Bake 30 minutes. The finished omelet should grab well and have a beautiful brownish crust. Cool a little in shape, serve, cut into squares.