Salad light proven recipes

If you decide to make a salad and want it to be nutritious and tasty, but does not contain a lot of calories, it is recommended to make a light salad, its recipe is not at all complicated.

To prepare it, you will need to prepare the following ingredients: large avocados – 1 pcs.; rugula – 1 bundle; Cherry tomatoes-11-13 pcs.; Onions – 1 pc.; Feaki cheese – 100 g; soy sauce – 1.5 t. l.; vinegar – 1 t. l.; Olive oil – 3 t. l.; pepper and salt to taste.

First you need to clean the avocado from the skin and remove the seed from it. After that, you will need to cut it with cubes. Next, we also cut the cheese. Then we take cherry tomatoes and cut them with quarters. The onion will need to be first cleaned and then tire with rings.

Then you will need to prepare a gas station. To do this, you need to mix olive in a small bowl, vinegar, soy sauce, salt and pepper. After that, it will be possible to lay therugula carefully on the plate, after washing it under a stream of water. Next, it will be necessary to lay out onions on it, then avocados and cheese and on top beautifully decompose tomato slices. Before serving such a salad, it will need to be refined and thoroughly moved.

Also, the “light” salad can be prepared according to another recipe.

For him, you will need the following ingredients: boiled chicken – 200 g; Celery stalk – 200 g; Peking cabbage – 200 g; Orange – 1 pc.; natural yogurt to taste; mayonnaise to taste.

First of all, it will be necessary to finely chop chicken, cabbage and celery. Then these ingredients will need to be mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise and yogurt. Then the salad is laid out in cremas or glasses. After that, you will need to clean the orange from the peel and then divide it into slices. Then from each of them you will need to remove the film and decorate each portion of salad with slices.