Stuffed chicken hips

Today we will bake chicken thighs in the microwave. Yes, not simple, but stuffed! The stuffing process itself is quite simple and does not take much time. But the result is an appetizing dish with a blond crust and stunning aroma.

For preparation, we will need: 5 chicken thighs • 2-3 tomatoes • 2 garlic heads • 1 small bulb • 100 grams of cheese • 1 st. spoon of tomato paste • 4. tablespoons mayonnaise • salt to taste

Recipe for cooking: 1. Well -washed chicken thighs are slightly dry with a paper towel. Gently pull the skin with your hands with your hands, thereby forming small pockets.2. In a separate bowl, connect mayonnaise and tomato paste, add salt to taste (if desired, you can pepper). We smear each thigh with tomato-majority mixture (do not forget to smear the pockets), then transfer them to a heat-resistant shape greased with vegetable oil. We leave the bowl with the remnants of the mixture in place (not mine), it will come in handy for us.

3. We proceed to the filling. We cut the onion into strips, and grate the garlic and cheese. We shift everything into a bowl with the remains of the mayonnaise of the total mixture and mix.4. We fill up the pockets. We pull the skin in the hips and put the cheese mixture in the formed pocket, and then lay a circle of tomato on top. If desired, tomato on top can be additionally cooked with mayonnaise.

5. We send the form with thighs for 40 – 45 minutes to the oven preheated to 200 degrees.