5 whales of confidence in your future

Female confidence

Fortune-telling, astrological horoscopes and the predictions of the seer- all this indicates how important it is for a person to know his future. But sometimes knowledge only interferes. While simple techniques exist, how to feel confident in your future here and now.

Satter VS Work

Our parents really wanted us to get stable and promising work. They were all hands for those professions that, as they say, will always feed- doctor, lawyer, accountant. But in our country it is important not to educate, but the ability to learn and develop. If you are an active person and are not afraid of a new one- be sure you can always find a well-paid job for yourself. Just stop being afraid- and go forward.

Marriage contract

Relying on a man is very nice. And if your marriage is strong and happy- you will be a great example to follow. But, but if not? Not everything depends only on you. Therefore, in order not to stay with a broken trough, it is better to think about what belongs to whom and who is due from the very beginning. It does not rarely happen that women in love are allowed a man into their house and somewhere between the completed repair and the loan on the car turns out that you are getting divorced and, moreover, now he owe half of his own apartment (he did repairs for his money!). So at one point you can lose everything, so be prudent!


If you are not ready for motherhood, reliable contraception will help you to feel confident. After all, there is nothing worse than a mother who is psychologically not ready for justice! Contraceptives will allow you to feel free and calm until you yourself want a child.



Of course, I would like some material guarantees of a stable future. Here you will have to turn on all female and male logic together- and make savings…In gold. This metal will never depreciate, and as financiers predict, perhaps only he will cost something. So stop putting the currency in banks- just buy coins.

The ability to rejoice

A happy person is always happy. It is the ability to enjoy life, to believe in good and enjoy every moment- this is a one hundred percent guarantee that you will be fine, no matter what happens. After all, life sometimes presents us with surprises, forces us to change its preferences, place of residence or work. The main thing is not to lose heart, but simply perceive it as a new stage in life- and try to be happy in it.