Dry shampoo

I want to devote today’s review to dry shampoo, which, in my opinion, is a very good wand-rush of every woman who seeks to look great.

Review of dry shampoo:

If you need to urgently wash your hair, but for a number of reasons, whether it is not water nearby, or hair washing products, you cannot do it in a traditional way, dry shampoo comes to the rescue.

Dry shampoo can be independently made from various types of flour: wheat, corn, chickpeas. You can take one type of flour or mix all three types, place them in a bottle with a thin outline and pour a little more on the hair, more on the roots of the hair, then massage the roots of the hair so that the flour absorbs excess fat, and comb all this over bathroom massage.

If the hair looks faded, sprinkle a little varnish on it and clean hair is ready. I recommend using this method very rarely, only in force majeure, since frequent use of this method can provoke pore pollution on the head. And finally advice: women, carry with you a small bag with dry shampoo, with such an untouched margin it will be difficult to catch you by surprise.