Fyodor Fomin Relations Development Studio

Fedor Fomin is a young successful businessman, and a happy husband and father partly believe that strong relations in the family are created by painstaking work and constant efforts from each partners. Anyone who turns to the studio of the development of relations based on him can learn patience, mutual understanding and willingness to listen to a loved one.

How it all began

A meeting with the future wife helped to realize his life calling to Fedor. Having got a job at the ministry, the young man plunged into the development of a program, the purpose of which was to promote strong happy families. The program was launched and had certain results: a significant reduction in divorces. Success inspired Fedor Fomin to open his own business. So the studio of the development of relations appeared – the brainchild, which he considers the work of his whole life. The family should occupy a leading position in the system of values ​​of modern society, because it is in it that a person draws strength for victories in all other areas of life, he is sure.

The main programs of Fedor Fomina

All the trainings developed by Fedor Fomin have one goal: to achieve mutual understanding in the couple by obtaining the necessary knowledge about trust and harmonious relations. Three basic programs offered by the studio are designed to help people with different financial capabilities, psychological features and a supply of free time.

Training “Strong Happy Relations”. The program lasts 5 weeks. During intensive theoretical training and practical classes, partners learn to hear each other, learn about the basic needs that distinguish men and women. Unfortunately, these simple truths are often ignored in modern families. It is important that speakers leading training have a stable experience of marital life. The founders of the studio are sure that the knowledge of the coaches should be based on personal experience.

Coaching relationships. Not everyone is ready to discuss their relations before the public, but for someone it is important alone with the coach to make out the problems that arose in the way of a happy marriage and derive the algorithm for correcting mistakes. Work is carried out with a couple or individually with a man and a woman, the meeting lasts 2-3 hours.

“Simple rules of love”. This new project is aimed at considering the main mistakes that kill feelings in the family, and the withdrawal of universal rules of behavior that help save love in the daily bustle of modern life. In just one day, the training participants receive the necessary recommendations sufficient for independent work to build trusting relations in pairs.

The target audience

All programs for the development studio of Fedor Fomin are intended for people of any gender and age. The most frequent customers of the studio are couples in the age category of 23-40 years, faced with a crisis in relations. Women often seek help than men who are not used to paying a lot of attention to analyzing feelings. People who have not found their half turn to the studio, but who want to consciously build relationships from the very beginning, avoiding fatal mistakes. It is planned to create a separate training for them; Also in the development there is a program intended only for men.