Requirements for the quality of tomato ketchup in different countries

Tomato Ketchup is one of the most popular seasonings that has become widespread around the world. Ketchup is very universal in use and is used with a wide variety of cold and hot dishes – from various sandwiches to pizza and pasta. Tomato ketchup is simply not replaced by the use of fried and grilled dishes of poultry and meat, as well as salads and cold fish dishes. Ketchup is also good as a refueling in soups and other seasonings. In all countries, tomato ketchup is made in large volumes industrial. The components that go into the composition of the ketchup are simple: the puree of their tomatoes, vinegar and spices. The taste of this seasoning is also quite simple – pronounced notes of tomato with a sharp or sweet flavor and a pleasant aroma of spices. The main difference in the taste of tomato ketchup, made in different countries, can be explained by various requirements for its quality.1. The difference in the definition of Ketchupapo by Russian standards in the definition of Ketchup lists a complete list of prescription ingredients used in the production of prescription, including a list of all types of used food additives, such as: dyes, sugar -substitutes, preservatives, and flavorings. At the same time, there are prescription ingredients that do not have a clear definition. For example, the use of the terms “taste components” and “seasonings” are very foggy and obscure for use according to the state standard. In the EU documents, the composition is clearly spelled out, and the food supplements used in the list of components are mentioned in generalized form as “permitted food additives” in accordance with the EU Directive. In US documents, all components of ketchup components have a clear definition, and food additives are not mentioned at all.2. The main differences of the recipe of ketchupa -based prescription components of tomato ketchup are spices, tomato ingredients, sugar, vinegar, salt. Tomato ingredients mean tomato products or puree from fresh tomatoes. According to the regulatory documents of the EU and the United States, the type of ketchup determines the type of used Lycopersicum Esculentum tomatoes, in the standards of Russia such a link is absent. The main difference in the requirements for Ketchup composition is expressed in the fact that in Russia they will be resolved in the Ketchups recipe (with the exception of “Extra”) the use of vegetable and fruit semi -finished products and dyes, and in the EU and the USA this is considered unacceptable.