Spaghetti Fideo in Mexican

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil4 halves of chicken breasts without skin and bones1 (340 g) packaging spaghetti, broken in half cream tomato, chopped on a large bulb, chopped1/2 tablespoons Time2 1/2 teaspoon of chilisol powder and pepper to taste 1/2 a glass of water1 a glass of grated cheese Chedder


Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large pan over medium heat. Fry chicken breasts in oil until they become pleasant brown on the outside. Take out of the pan and put aside. If you use modular systems ⁠ on the kitchen, then everything will be at hand.

Pour the remaining oil into the pan and add broken spaghetti. Cook, stirring constantly until spaghetti is browned. Drain the excess oil and add tomatoes and onions. Cut chicken breasts and return them to the pan. Season with cable, ground red pepper chili, salt and black pepper. Pour water, cover and simmer over medium heat until spaghetti is soft, and the water will not absorb, for about 10 minutes. Check closer to the end, and add more water, if necessary.

Divide spaghetti among serving plates to serve, and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.