Useful pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice is a unique product of nature. It is simply necessary for our body. It contains beneficial substances such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, carotene, also many different organic acids. Pumpkin juice is especially useful for people with gastroenterological diseases, because it contains little fiber in its composition. And the pumpkin itself is also not rich in fiber.

Also, pumpkin juice is recommended to be used for the following ailments:

With diseases of the kidneys and bladder (juice is able to stimulates their work);

Juice has a soothing effect (it is often used to improve sleep with insomnia);

This miracle will help with difficulty urination (especially for men suffering from prostatitis);

It also removes cholesterol from the body.

To prepare pumpkin juice, ingredients such as:

500 grams peeled

100 grams of sugar

One lemon

How pumpkin juice is prepared:

First we rub the pumpkin on a fine grater.

Then, in 1 liter of cold water, we dilute sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil.

After that, we add a grated pumpkin to boiling water and also bring to a boil.

Next, cool and add the juice of a squeezed lemon.

Beat the resulting mixture in a mixer or in a blender.

And you can use it.

Pumpkin juice should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, 0.5 cups per day.