7 steps to sexuality

It is completely easy to be super -sexual when you remember a few rather simple rules, adhering to which you can drive more than one man.

Sexuality rules

Open legs

The most open legs are always attracted to the attention of men. And if the legs are tanned, without bruises and scratches, then it looks even more attractive! And small defects on the skin of the legs can be perfectly hidden with a simple tonal cream.

Dress with a cut

A small cut on the dress, as well as light flirty frills and linen with the Push-UP effect are able to emphasize absolutely all the advantages you have and add those that were not present five minutes ago.

Deep neckline

Select a small top with a rather soft drapery that perfectly exposes the chest and shoulders, small sequins will arrange the right accents, and its light fabric will shade the perfect tan.

Sandals on the platform

Any sandals on the platform will make you visually higher, the legs in them will look very slender, and your gait will be just air.

Brave jeans

A little shortened jeans will not hide your elegant ankles, and the fault of denim will add a certain ease.


Detail worthy of attention is a belt ringing coin. He will instantly make your appearance noticeable, and also attract views to very slender hips.

Stoop shoes

Any high -heeled shoes will instantly improve your posture, but you should not take wide steps!