Raga Alya Bolognae – the crown dish of Emilia

Food is not a joke. This proverb can be heard in any cafe or restaurant of Emilia-Romania. Here myths are intertwined with traditions that have passed through many generations. Only here they prepare real Tortellini.

Want to look at the gold standard of pasta? Kind to the Chamber of Commerce Bologna. It is there that you can find a classic taglutella, welded according to all the standards of traditional cuisine. According to unwritten rules, this width of this product should be exactly 8 mm. This is the figure – a special symbol. It is often compared with the famous falling tower of Azinelia, which is located in Bologna.

The famous Pellegrino Artuzi lived and traded in the same city. He was the first to recognize Italian cuisine the best and created the first collection of recipes in 1891. The first circulation was called – “The science of food or the art of cooking delicious food”.

Today, this book is one of the three most famous books of the peninsula. By the number of copies, it is inferior to the tales of Carlo Conody.

Bologna – a cult or just delicious food?

There are authentic dishes in every country, and their ministers live and self -improve with them. The cult “Bolognaz” lives and develops throughout the country. So, the best chef of the region of the region Tomazo Moroni gave a whole lecture about the famous classics – the paragraph ala Bolognaze.

“Spaghetti and Bolognaz are not compatible things,” Thomaso believes. It is best to use the home version of the egg taglitella. Only these components look harmonious in one pan, just like a brother and sister. They cannot be separated, and it is also useless to invite other relatives.

But Thomaso is one hundred percent right. It is precisely such guards of traditions as this cook that store classic recipes. It all starts with the selection of products and ends with serving and feeding.

And you know that the recipe for real Bologniza was officially approved by the Bologna branch of the Italian Academy of Culinary? This event was confirmed on November 17, 82, a notarized document that is still in the city ward.

What is needed to prepare a real stew Bologniz. Let’s try to reproduce the original recipe. According to Thomaso, you will need the following ingredients: meat, assembly minced meat – pork and beef; Classical Paste Taglutella; three vegetables – celery, onions and carrots; water or vegetable broth; freshly ground pepper and small salt; wine, preferably red and dry; Bay leaf; Tomato paste.

Pay attention to the combination of vegetables. Carrots gives the dish the desired sweetness (there is no sugar in the recipe). Celery gives Bolognaz freshness, and the onion gives that most pleasant bitterness and unites the whole composition into one whole.

So, fry the vegetables, and prepared minced meat on a mixture of olive and butter. Then very quickly mix the contents of the pan with a pre -prepared paste. A small touch in the form of a pinch of Italian Parmijano Redzhano and you can serve.

Constantly follow this dish, do not leave it on the stove for more than an hour. Bolognaz is a business card of any restaurant Emilia-Romania.