Beef hot in coffee sauce


2 tablespoons of butter

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

2 kg of beef for baking

2 large yellow bulbs, chopped

2 cloves of garlic, grind freshly ground pepper, to taste

6 cups of cooked coffee

2 cups of cut fresh mushrooms

3 tablespoons of corn starch salt to taste

1/2 cup of sour cream


Tender beef stew in an unusual coffee-coffee-free sauce with sour cream is simply amazing. Of course, a lot of time and effort will take its preparation, and there will be a lot of dirty dishes, so you need a wife’s service for an hour – cleaning apartments conducted by professionals, but it is worth it.

In a large fried, heat the vegetable and butter on medium-horsepower heat. Place the beef in it, fry from all sides until it is well browned. Transfer the meat to the dish and put aside.

Fry the onion in the same heat for 5 minutes, cleansing all the fried pieces from the bottom. Add garlic and pepper and fry for 1 minute. Return the meat to a frill, pour coffee and add mushrooms.

Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce fire and simmer for 5 hours, turning the meat in the middle of cooking.

To cook the sauce, take the hot from the brazier when it will be ready. Drain 1/2 cup of coffee mixture from the brazier and add corn starch to it. To stir thoroughly. Return the resulting mixture in a brazier and stir until the sauce is slightly thickened. Add sour cream, then salt to taste.