
Some consider Tsikoria a weed, while others admire its useful properties.. Who is right? And they are right, of course, those who believe that the roots and flowers of this plant are indispensable on our table. Coffee with the addition of a fried chicory root is very highly appreciated all over the world. In Belgium, the stems of chicory are baked with cheese and apples. IN…

Back in the Middle Ages, a wonderful vegetable was learned about this wonderful vegetable in Europe, and today the rhubarb is blooming, almost in every garden. And while other vegetables are only gaining strength, he is ready to share his nutrients and vitamins with us. It contains a lot of B vitamins, which support the cardiovascular and nervous systems. …

Today on store shelves you can see a huge assortment of milk products – dairy drinks, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc. D. There has always been great demand for dairy products, because milk products are very useful for our organisms. What is useful milk and dairy products? Well, first of all, milk and dairy products are rich in protein. 1/8 cup of milk…

Coffee is a wonderful stimulating drink that we are used to drinking in the morning) but what is the useful coffee? =) Coffee is, first of all, a tonic. He is drunk in the breakdown of strength, as he relieves drowsiness, mental fatigue, activates thinking, memory, gives a sense of vivacity. He dulls the feeling of hunger and increases the body’s performance. Coffee has useful…