Potato pancakes

Pancakes or as they are sometimes called – deeruns – arose in Belarusian cuisine at the beginning of the XIX century. Each housewife has its own secrets and tricks of preparation of this dish, but the basis is always the same – this is grated potatoes.

List of the right products for pancakes:

Potatoes – 0.5 kg

egg – 1 piece

flour – a couple of tablespoons

Onions – 1 head

a pinch of salt

black pepper

Any vegetable oil for frying.


Well -washed potatoes should be cleaned and chopped as quickly as possible with a small grater so that it does not have time to purchase a dark color. Then you need to squeeze excess juice, otherwise the mass will be too liquid.

Finely chop the onion and stain with a spoon to the bulk.

Knake the egg into the resulting mixture, add spices to taste, flour and mix again.

Potato pancakes are fried in a pan, laying small pancakes in hot oil with a spoon. Frying from one and the other to the brown brown, the pancakes are laid out on a paper towel or napkin so that they absorb excess fat.

Small culinary tricks:

To accelerate and facilitate the tedious process of rubbing potatoes, you can simply chop it with a blender. By the way, in this case, the onion should be chopped in a similar way. Do not rub potatoes on a coarse grater, it will only ruin the dish, although it will facilitate the work,

If you need a crispy crust, and not just a soft pancake, then the pancakes cannot be put in a stack on each other, because they will soften. It is better to put them in one layer.

Onions is not a mandatory component of the dish. However, experienced housewives know that it significantly slows down the darkening of the potato mass and gives the finished dish a more piquant taste and splendor.

The supply of pancakes and the most suitable sauces to this dish

It is customary to serve pancakes, as they say, with the heat of the heat. Together with them, sour cream, butter is carried out to the table. However, the Belarusian hairbank can be considered a traditional sauce, which is a very hearty and very high -calorie addition to this vegetable dish.

Preparing a washcloth as follows. Salt bacon is fried in a pan to beautiful golden barriers, after which sour cream is added there quickly. It is very important to constantly stir the resulting mass, otherwise sour cream will simply curl up.

Bon appetit!