The main trends in spring makeup 2019?

Makeup trends traditionally change a couple of times a year: in winter one thing is relevant, in the spring and summer-the other, and by the fall and the coming new year is something completely different. What do make -up artists advise their customers for spring and summer 2019?

The naturalness continues to be in fashion. Smoky Eyes brown shadows, brown lipstick a few shades darker than skin color, natural eyebrows-everything that is ideal for office and business make-up, but will be at the peak of popularity in the coming season. It is also recommended to use lipstick brown lipstick, which will be brighter than lipstick for literally one or two tones.

Those who love bright makeup, makeup artists advise paying attention to the monotony of bright shades: blue, green, bright and pink. And if you want to do something bright, but more restrained, then black arrows remain in the trend, which can be absolutely any form. On the site/ you can find many relevant new products that will help to be in trend in the spring of 2019.

In the design of the face, the main trend is the Glass Skin technique, which implies a brilliant, smooth, literally glassy Elizo. This effect is achieved using liquid highlighters, which is applied to the whole face. If such experiments seem too extravagant, do not forget about the highlighter – make -up artists recommend continuing to use it to decorate the cheekbones, which was relevant last season.

In the makeup of the lips, you should pay your attention to brown, pink and red shades. Pastel, pale pink color is ideal for daytime makeup, and for a party you can use more saturated shades of pink and red. At the same time, choosing red lipstick, you should pay attention to the most vivid options, but the wine color and Bordeaux is better not to use. In addition, designers call for experiments with blush, which can be used not only for the design of the cheekbones, but also give shine a chin or forehead.

It is important to understand that now at the peak of popularity the following trend: the most natural makeup in the daytime, for example, a light lip gloss and slightly tinted eyelashes. And for parties, on the contrary, it is recommended to choose catchy, bright makeup options. Thus, a girl will always be able to change images, depending on her outfits, mood, but to be in trend.