The most useful vegetables

Everyone knows and understands that vegetables are very useful and should enter our daily menu. Do you know which vegetables can be considered the most useful and why? Below are the most useful vegetables, five leaders. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally about the dominant positions of one vegetable over another, because different vegetables have different properties and the content of beneficial substances in them is different and diverse. However, we will compose a list of the most.

TOP utility

Spinach. This is an undoubted leader among vegetables and leafy vegetable plants in particular. But it should be noted that he will bring benefits only in freshly. Spinach is not subject to long -term storage, because it loses most of the beneficial substances. It includes a sufficient amount of protein, a little carbohydrates and fats. 100 g of spinach will provide you with a daily dose of vitamin K, and Beta-carotene. It also contains a lot of vitamin C and iron, which is better absorbed with this vitamin. Spinach will perfectly protect the body from anemia (anemia). B vitamins, which spinates contain a sufficient amount, give us strength, energy and health, as well as increase the protective functions of the body. In general, the composition of the most useful vegetable is unique – this is a storehouse of beneficial substances: vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. But to use it in unlimited quantities would be as wrong as not to use it at all. The thing is that the oxalic acid contained in it is undesirable for people with renal failure, diseases of the genitourinary system. But if you use spinach regularly in small quantities, then thanks to it you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize the intestines, reduce the risk of cancer tumors.

Broccoli – is one of the most useful vegetables. 100 g of this vegetable per day provide us with a daily dose of vitamin C. There is also a lot of vitamin K and a – about half of the daily norm in 100 g. B vitamins are contained in smaller, but enough. From the minerals of broccoli, in abundance, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, manganese and iron are in abundance. It is useful to use broccoli for diseases of the stomach and intestines, that is, various gastritis, colitis, ulcer and dysbiosis. Strengthens broccoli and cardiovascular system. More than others, it is useful for children and pregnant women. But it is worth considering that the excess of vitamin K, which in broccoli contains a lot can lead to thrombosis, as it increases blood viscosity.

Carrots, also included in the list of the most useful vegetables. The carrots are known by the large content of beta-carotene and vitamin A. This is true, to satisfy the daily need of this vitamin, you need to eat only 50 g of fresh carrots. But besides this, it contains a large amount of Vanadium trace element. It increases immunity, cleanses blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, is able to reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol level. Also, the benefits of carrots are the ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, reduce sugar levels, activate digestion. I would also like to say that boiled carrots are useful no less than fresh.

Potato. It is probably not in vain that this vegetable is so popular and is used to prepare many different dishes. He can rightfully be listed in the list of the most useful vegetables. Potato contains a complex of B vitamins, vitamin C and pp. It contains the aforementioned vanadium from microelements, as well as a sufficient amount of cobalt, chromium, potassium, copper and iron … The chemical composition of potatoes is rich, and the benefits of the body are obvious. So, for example, potatoes are able to remove salts from the body and thereby save from edema. It is also useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer and duodenum.

Bell pepper. Its main advantage, except for taste, is the amount of vitamin C contained in it, according to this criterion it can be attributed to the most useful vegetables. The use of less than 50 g of sweet pepper, replenishes our body to the daily norm of vitamin C. The advantage of this is the presence of a solid amount of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP and Vitamin E. Pepper has the ability to dilute blood and thereby prevents the formation of blood clots and stagnation.

This was the five most useful vegetables. But any other vegetable can always be added to this list, because all vegetables are useful in their own way.