The modern life of a large metropolis is full of secrets and adventures also bustle and vanity at the same time, at the same time, I always want to eat and office workers as employees of the service sector, in addition, other employees are engaged in the main snack cannot be forgotten also forever starving students who buy inexpensive food in kiosks on trays and all kinds Outrage Food Food, which means fast food, such an economical food, since it is expensive to eat in restaurants not only to the student but also to the average employee, but wealthy people do not buy a pie from the tray of the scatter in price equivalent in the analysis of the turn of Fudu from Russia that are expressed by various researchers quite diverse From 1,8 billion to $ 2 5 billion for a month, a huge share of this market is occupied by a metropolis under the name of Moscow and its share accounts for about 20 percent of the turnoverenterprises specializing in Fast Food The growth of the segment for each year according to the results of this calendar period is an average of 20,27 percent

Kiosk grill for chickens brings profit after three months in Moscow, a mobile-like kiosks network in about six months a year. For a businessman, the Fast Food market brings the possibility of a good property. To begin with, you need a little capital, and secondly, the demand for food, especially hot properties, is always and remains the same, because I want to always eat. In different cities, such a fast food product, such as shawarma, is called differently, but this does not change the essence of this product, neither its taste. For shawarma, either chicken or pork meat and a set of vegetables are used exclusively on the owner of the room. Who wants to save money, he can make the main emphasis on cabbage salad. If you’re lucky, you can find a truly tasty and healthy dish and fully enjoy its taste.

To prepare shawarma, you need a shawarma apparatus, which is a vertical type spinning and oven. A new type of set with a gas stove has a cost of about $ 500, an electric type furnace – 800. The meat is strung on a spin so that there are the most fat pieces and fat, already melted, flowing, impregnates meat. Basically, shawarma trade is carried out in the markets, station, near the metro station, that is, in places of large accumulation of the population. On a weekend from one point, you can eat in the amount of a hundred people. On weekdays on average two hundred people. And, without any hesitation, we can say this very good business. The cost of the shawarma is determined by 60 rubles, the preparation of one ruble twenty kopecks. But there are other rental costs and various kickbacks, but all is equal, the profitability of such an enterprise is growing and growing. We calculate: Shawarma price – 60 rubles, 150 pieces are connected daily. For these 150 pieces, five kilograms of meat and 2 kilograms of tomatoes and ketchup with mayonnaise are two or three liters. The price of products is one and a half thousand rubles, the revenue from them from nine to twelve thousand. On average, a month, the tent brings net profit about five thousand and the spiral tests do not need. It should be noted that the shawl niche is already busy, since it trade everywhere and competition in this area is very tough.