Walks for children benefits or harm?

Baby walkers

The older your baby becomes, the more demanding and curious. And this is not to mention its weight, which gradually increases subject to normal physical development. Often, mothers simply break between the baby and household matters, which, by the way, no one canceled them. And, as a result, a woman tired and exhausted during the day, with undermined health and capricious, uncontrollable baby.

Many find a solution to this problem by acquiring walkers. But, is it as safe as it seems at first glance?

On the one hand, this is a great way out. Indeed, thanks to a special design, your child will be able to move around the room on your own and you will not have to so carefully monitor each of its movement. Let it be only fifteen to twenty minutes a day, but how much you can have time to do around this time! By the way, you will probably have something to do to your baby, because it is so great to move in an upright position wherever you can without mom’s help.

On the other hand, pediatricians, orthopedists and psychologists also warn about the back of the medal, talking about the risk that you are subject to your baby. After all, it was not for nothing that during the time of the USSR, the walkers were completely discontinued from production. The motivation was as follows: being in the walkers, the baby learns not to walk, but to push his fingers from the floor. As a result – a delay in physical development, since the children after the strokes began to walk much later than their peers. In some countries, there is also a ban on the production and import of stilts, such as, for example, in Canada, since 1989.

Walks for children

And yet, why most experts are against the stilts?

Walks actually slow down the development of the skills of the motor system in children. Of course, this happens if the child is in the walkers for a long time, more than fifteen minutes a day daily;

For the same reason, limbs can be deformed, and due to a long load, the curvature of the spine is developed;

The negative impact on the functions of the cerebellum is manifested as follows: the baby gets used to the fact that when walking he has supports from all sides, and therefore, being outside the strokes, begins to simply fall and shook in all directions. By the way, there is a negative psychological moment in this. The kid can refuse to walk on his own, because when he is in the walkers, he practically does not have to strain.

Orthopedians warn that with frequent use of walkers in a child, an incorrect position of the feet may develop, and also overvoltages of the back muscles due to the frequent vertical position, as well as the inability to change the pose.


But, even if, despite all the warnings, you still decided to purchase walkers, do not skimp on their quality, because we are talking about your child’s health.

And how do you feel about walkers? For their child, they would use?

Be sure to look at important articles about how to bathe a newborn, or how to teach a child to crawl.