Buffalo wings

I have almost 2 kg of wings (2 packages):


• 1 bank of tomatoes in its own juice

• Oil for deep fry

• 200 g of butter

• 3-5 cloves of garlic

• 1 burning red pepper

• 1 tablespoon of brown sugar

• 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar (for an amateur, I never go, without it tastier!!!!)

• Salt, ground black pepper, seasoning for chicken

Preparation: Cut the edge of the wing (with a sharp part), remove this part, then cut in the joint (as if to 2 parts). Rinse, dry dry with a towel. Then sprinkle everything with seasoning for chicken and marinate 2 hours for 2 hours.When it lumbles, we fry wings in frozen in frustrations (in a pan) to even golden color over medium heat. We put the finished in a flat plate on a paper towel so that the stack of excess fat. At this time, in a blender, chop the tomatoes in our own juice, I only take tomatoes from a can of about 50 ml of juice). Warm up butter in a pan. I always take Tabasco Classic sauce in the oil of a sharp pepper), then chopped garlic. Literally after 30 seconds, when the garlic warms up, add a mixture of tomato there, mix until smooth, then a spoonful of brown sugar with it is better), black before, a little salt. You can add wine vinegar to taste, but I personally like it more without it. Put the wings in the finished sauce and smear for 5-10 minutes over low heat, mixing from time to time. Many are probably familiar with their taste for those who are unbearable sweet wings with acute sauce from above.