Azu with stewed beef recipe for cooking

Today we will prepare a rather unique dish called aza, we will cook it from stew beef.

Take the following ingredients:

300 grams of stew beef

1 head onion head

2 salty cucumbers

2 medium potatoes

1 tbsp. spoon of flour

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

20 ml of vegetable oil

Pepper and salt to your taste

Aza recipe with stewed beef

First we make the sauce, for this, finely chop and fry the onion until soft. It is necessary to fry in vegetable oil.

Add the flour and continue to fry for another two minutes.

Now add a little water to the pan and tomato paste.

Next, you need to fry potatoes in a pan until golden crust, you need to fry with vegetable oil.

Add salty cucumbers, previously chopped by strips, also stewed beef and just prepared sauce.

Mix, add water if necessary and simmer for 10-15 minutes, if necessary, you can add your favorite spices, pepper and salt.

Bon appetit!